Local music and a shameless plug

Well gang, I am happy to report that I have acquired an employment position! Not only do I have a source of income, I get to work with dogs! I’m very excited about it, mostly because I’ve been spending money pretty conservatively this whole summer. Unfortunately, doing things in a bustling city and getting to know its nooks and crannies typically requires money, so my options of things to do have been a tad limited.

As such, I have not seen as much local music as I’d like. I’ve definitely learned about it, though! Part of my work with the Greater Cleveland Aquarium involves writing short bios for bands that are playing at Red White & Brew, a fourth of July celebration/music festival hosted by the GCA. There’s a slew of local bands slotted to play the festival, including Welshly Arms, Cities & Coasts, The Moxies and Austin Walkin’ Cane. There’s too many artists to list, so check out this flyer instead!

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The age range in the performers is pretty large, which makes me happy. Not only are the youngins out there making names for themselves, older individuals are still pursuing creative endeavors! I always like to see older folks making music because it makes me feel less guilty about having yet to embark on musical endeavors of my own.

Nonetheless, the local bands in Cleveland are really doing work. So are the venues! Not only are there great local scenes like Lakewood’s Front Porch Concert Series and Sofar Sounds Concerts, there are places like Mahall’s and Grog Shop that host a plethora of bands not native to the great city of Cle.

Photo via Grog Shop
Photo via Grog Shop

For example, this Thursday night I’ll be watching Eskimeaux (New York), Mitski (also New York), Elvis Depressedly (North Carolina) and Small Wood House (Ohio, woo!) perform at Mahall’s. This will be my first time at Mahall’s, which makes me both excited and a little apprehensive. I’m a tad apprehensive because hipsters are very populous in Cleveland, and they flock to shows like this one. I also think I’m going alone, which is fine, but oh man talking to strangers can be weird. Especially when they’re your own age. My own age group freaks me out. Is that normal?

Regardless, I’m expecting to enjoy my trip on Thursday night quite a bit, even if I do get sandwiched in a sea of young, hip kids. Eskimeaux’s album O.K. came out a handful of weeks ago and is great, very emotionally honest and pure. The production quality is excellent, considering it’s released on Double Double Whammy; the indie label likes to produce things at the lowest cost possible, which usually correlates directly to quality. Luckily those boys know what they’re doing, and DDW has a talent for delivering awesome jams.


On a different note, it’s orientation time at Ohio University! All the fresh new students are wandering around campus, thinking “How in the $*@! am I going to walk all these hills every day?” and “Man, what organizations should I join once I’m here?” Impressions are already being made upon incoming students, which is why a lot of organizations like to distribute fliers at orientation. I whipped up ACRN Media’s flyer, take a look at the final result!

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Pretty convincing, eh?! I’d join! I mean, just look at how dang cute that DJ at the top is (shoutout to our beloved General Manager, Megan Fair). If you’re a student, future or current, of Ohio University and interested in getting involved with ACRN, you can reach out to us on Twitter or Facebook! You can also email me at editorial4acrn@gmail.com, or Megan at gm4acrn@gmail.com. Thanks for reading, catch ya next week!